Name: Ola
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I had Troy look at my back screen door and outside door. It was all rotting and bad, he replaced it and I'm so happy. I just should have done it years ago.

Name: William
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I had a couple contractors look at my roof and Troy impressed me the most. Also, the other contractor asked me to pull the roofing permit. I didn't know any better, but I went with these guys because they got back to me and followed up. They were a little more, but when I asked Troy if he wanted me to pull the permit. He said, what a silly question to ask. When I told him the other contractor said I had to pull the permit because it's my house; he said that's because the other contractor was NOT licensed (red flag). He told me licensed and bonded roofers pull the permit, and if anyone ever wants you to pull the permit then they're 'shady' and not licensed or bonded. Thank God I dodged that bullet.

Name: Merkle-Delo
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: My mother lives in our old home and I'm states away and since my dad past she really doesn't have anyone to help her out. Eventually, she'll need to move to an assisted living facility, but until then she likes her independent life with her little dog. She's active in her Church and was getting some 'supposedly good Christians' to help her. I suspected she was possibly being taken advantage of, so I had these guys come check on a few things and I was glad I did. They took care of all her issues and charged me less than what those 'supposed Christians' wanted. Also, when talking with the owner, he was very understanding and even offered to stop by and check on mom if I ever had any worries. I thought that was nice to know. It's nice that there are still honest people helping others out of the kindness of their heart.

Name: John
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★ 4

Comment: I just had my roof replaced and that windstorm we had blew off shingles. The roof was installed by someone else, and they would NOT warrant the work, so I called Virgina's. Ashton came out and looked at it and said that the other installers only nailed the shingles with 4 nails in each shingle instead of 6; plus, they didn't use ice and water shield or install the flashing properly. I'm pissed because Ashton states it all has to come off and be redone. He showed me pictures and I see what he means. I just wish I would have gone with these guys to begin with.

Name: Lori
Location: Manteno
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I didn't have these guys do my roof, but my father did and said I should ask Troy to come over and look at the workmanship before I paid the other contractor the final payment. Ashton and Troy came over and I know everyone has an opinion, but they pointed out several things that were wrong. They only charged me $75 and it was the best money I spent. The other contractor was pissed and tried to argue with me, but in the end they fixed it. Not sure if they do inspections or it was just a favor because my dad knew Troy, but I'm glad they helped me out. I should have just called Troy to begin with, but he was backed up and I didn't want to wait and I thought I could save some money.

Name: Tom
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: What I liked was they wouldn't just ******(redacted) rig it like I asked them to. Troy flat out told me that they don't do that type of work. He said there's a lot of guys out there that will take your money, but they're not going to be around or warrant it etc. I was just trying to save money is all. However, as cost keep going up, I'm sure it won't be any cheaper next year. I was surprised by the number of roofs Troy told me he walks away from because they don't do half-a** (redacted) work. I know one in particular they walked away from, and I see they have *** Roofing (redacted) doing it. It just makes you wonder is all. If I'm going to pay someone then I want the best, if you have cancer wouldn't you want the best surgeon? and not someone that is cheap and just takes your money? Get the best and have it done right is all I can say, and these guys did just that. Thanks guys, oh and PS> I'm a Packers Fan and we still got your number there 'Steve dah Bears' fan worker.

Name: Charlie
Location: Kankakee County
★★★ 3

Comment: I didn't like these guys because I thought they were a little 'stand offish' and were more interested in trying to sell me a roof replacement. I told them I just wanted it patched. Troy said they don't do patch work and to hire someone else. So, I'm going to spend my money elsewhere, you guys lose. ADMINISTRATOR: We're sorry you didn't like our service but what Troy meant was we don't do work to just take money. In your case, your roof is beyond repair and even though there are contractors out there that will take your money, we're not one of them. We will fix it right, if it's repairable we'll repair it. Unfortunately, in your case it's our opinion it is not repairable and needs to be replaced. Good luck and we wish you well.

Name: James
Location: Kankakee County
★★★ 3

Comment: They were ok, nothing special no problems. I just need a roof and they did what they said they would do.

Name: John 'Happy'
Location: Bradley
★★★★★ 5

Comment: Wanted some things cleaned up and a shed tore down. I'm getting too old to do this stuff. Not a big job, but they came over and took care of it. While they were here, I had a flat tire on my car. Steve took it off and took it to have it patched for me. He didn't even charge me, I just had to reimburse him for what the tire place charged to fix it. So, I bought him and his worker 'Doug' a pizza for lunch. A nice bunch of guys and reasonable. The owner stopped by and scolded me for feeding the help, he said they'd get spoiled and would now want lunch every day. He was joking of course, but he and my cousin hit it off as they talked about their Army days and what the Cubs will be doing this year. Nice to see local businesses still working and caring about service. Thanks, and PS> I'm a Sox fan

Name: Cooper-Chuck
Location: Kankakee County
★★★★★ 5

Comment: I like I was able to replace my roof and make payments! Two thumbs up. Ashton, their expert technician really impressed me with his knowledge and getting it done properly with Steve. Troy was the bomb when it came with dealing with the City Inspectors and Insurance Adjuster. I just sat back in my lawn chair and drank a beer and watched them work. They worked like a fine turned machine and I'm glad they were doing it and not me. My wife wants them to build a deck off the back of the house for us and pour a concert pad this summer.

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